28 Mar Transfer interview with Michael Schießl

A new and exciting transfer interview is online!
In the latest Transfer edition, Michael Schießl (CEO eye square) provides information on many topics, particularly in relation to the future use of artificial intelligence in the field of market research.
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important and is now more relevant than ever. Many areas already make use of it and even market research will not be unaffected by the new technology. But how do you combine the world of market research with AI and what does this mean for the human experience? Will traditional market research sources become irrelevant or will chat GPT become the information source of the future? These and many other thoughts, such as the future use of AI in Europe, are discussed in the new transfer article!
Save the Date – AI Symposium Berlin 2024
Celebrating our 25th anniversary, we are organizing a symposium together with the DWG in our eye square Kunsthalla. Based on the topic “AI in market communication – potential for confusion, contact and alienation”, you can dive into the world of artificial intelligence and take part in exciting presentations at the DWG’s 12th Efficiency Day!
Stay tuned! More information will follow soon.