
eye square @ Succeet 2021

eye square at Succeet 2021

eye square is pleased to announce our attendance at the 2021 Succeet summit. We’re look forward to having the opportunity to speak to you face-to-face (safely!) at our booth, located at number 175!

Do you have in-depth questions or have additional topics you would like to cover one-on-one with us? Please book an appointment and we’ll be happy to sit down with you.

eye square is very excited to have a few of our colleagues featured at the conference this year. Below, you’ll find the program, including which colleague, when, and the topics we’ll be covering.

System 0 is the key to Systems 1 & 2
and decodes Human Insight Technologies

In-person | 27.10.2021 | 12:15-12:45 | P1

With System 0, Michael will present the perceptual model that goes beyond implicit and explicit explanations. For this, we analyzed the collected attention data of the last ten years. The moment of attention is pure perception (SYSTEM 0)- neither cognitive nor implicit/emotional centers are hit. However, its receptive quality can still help you build longer relationships and we’re here to help facilitate the strengthening of that relationship.

e-commerce and CX research in the digital age (Amazon testing platform)

In-person | 27.10.2021 | 15:15-15:45 | P2

The trend towards marketing e-commerce platforms on social media channels has continued to grow. But how do advertising contacts affect actual purchasing behavior on e-commerce platforms? With Amazon as the advertising and sales world, eye square correlates the effect of a campaign contact for the first time.

Oculid / eye square: See what customers see: eye tracking in advertising and packaging design

In-person | 27.10.2021 | 16:45-17:05 | P4

Eye tracking is a proven method in market research to examine the perception and effect of advertising and packaging and to improve them on the basis of the findings. In this lecture, Oculid and eye square show how this can now be achieved without a laboratory on the user’s smartphone.