

Modern interfaces, gamification and mobile Wow! surveys

We have a lot of questions for the consumers and we rely on them providing honest answers. That’s why we use professional online questionnaire software to make surveys entertaining, exciting and fluid. We are a Questback partner and therefore have one of the most flexible questionnaire environments.

As user experience experts, we are committed to our credo  – make it perfect for the user

Fun and Innovation for the Participant

  • Everyone is willing to happily give advice and consult as an expert – if they feel appreciated and if one communicates with them in a professional and personal manner. In order to inspire and motivate the respondents, we design simple, user-friendly and interesting surveys.


  • Mobile research is the way to carry out surveys nowadays. That’s why our trials are not only online-, but also mobile-friendly.


  • Brandreact, the implicit brand research, is also suitable for mobile and serves as a mobile Brand Game.