17 Jul M&K interview with Dr. Matthias Rothensee

“Back to the goldfish?”
In the ever-evolving and expanding media landscape, it is becoming increasingly difficult to capture the audience’s full attention. Younger viewers in particular are expected to have shorter and shorter attention spans due to the use of social media. Julia Gundelach addresses this problem in her m&k article “Back to the goldfish?” by trying to understand and explain the new and shortened attention span in the advertising world.
Will there be a counter-movement to the trend? How many different types of attention exist? These and other questions are answered in the article!
Our eye square expert Dr. Matthias Rothensee also enriches the article with interesting approaches and insights and reveals what has changed in the last 25 years around the topic of attention.

Dr. Matthias Rothensee
Dr. Matthias Rothensee is responsible for method and innovation development at eye square. His research focuses on the implicit effect of advertising, emotions and visual perception. He is an expert in media research and multivariate statistics and develops eye square’s media benchmarks. He also focuses on the role of AI and is leading the development of automated test platforms (SPARK) and dashboards.