03 Jul Jan Thomas Vernissage at eye square recap

Jan Thomas – “Heilige und Widersacher” Vernissage
On June 30.2023 the art exhibition of Jan Thomas on the theme “Saints and adversaries” won the hearts of his viewers, in our eye square “Kunsthalla”.
You missed the vernissage? Don’t worry, we give a little insight into the highlights of the event.
With pleasure Michael Schießl (CEO) and the artist Jan Thomas opened the exhibition last Friday. Exhibited were the sculptures of Jan Thomas.
The bizarre-looking intermediate creatures landed in the evening in the eye square Kunsthalla. While some of the sculptures were scary, the comic leanings of the Bad Man brought a smile to our faces.
But not only we, but also our guests were enthusiastic about the authenticity of the figures, which were hanging on the wall like bats.
All in all, it was very interesting to observe how the artist has intensively dealt with the interplay of good and evil and tries to explain through his works how good disempowers evil and takes away its greatness. These thoughts are reflected in every work of this exhibition.