14 Apr Interview for Woche der Marktforschung 2022

WdM interview on topics and trends in current market research
An Exciting Outlook On Research In the Post-Pandemic Era Of the “New Normal”
What topics are currently occupying the market research industry, what does the “new normal” look like after a pandemic that is slowly coming to an end?
For “Woche der Marktforschung”, marktforschung.de asks Robert Wucher, CEO of GfK, Dr. Matthias Rothensee, Director Research at eye square and Carina de López, Unit Lead UX at eye square, about the current state of the industry.
More agility, online and artificial intelligence, are the trends that are currently discussed in market research.
Interview partner GfK CEO Robert Wucher answers the question about the trend towards digital events, which developed into hype and a practical solution for knowledge transfer and industry meetings, especially during the pandemic, as follows: more online meetings will also take place in the “new normal”.
Matthias Rothensee confirms this shift also for qualitative research. The trend toward online research and video conferencing has increased among clients and employees since the beginning of the pandemic and continues unabated. For this purpose, eye square developed the client-friendly ethnography app SPARK, which makes it possible to conduct behavioural research quickly and online.
Robert Wucher confirms an increased development of client platforms as “Software as a Service” (SaaS). Carina de López emphasizes the fast-moving pace for clients in the development of digital products or digital communication. She sees agile market research as a promising trend of the future.
A long-term topic for the industry will also be the influence of artificial intelligence on consumers’ lives and the importance of this development for studies and research.
Find more outlooks from Robert Wucher/GfK and our eye square team in the full interview (in German) “Top Trends: Agility, Online and Artificial Intelligence” at marktforschung.de.