
New Horizont Article | “Was im Kopf passiert”

How significantly is mental availability influencing the success of a brand?

New findings from the current Seven.One Media study “Mental Availability. Results of a fundamental study”

A new advertising effectiveness study by Seven.One Media provides insights into the connection between the mental availability of a brand to people and the success of brands. Their success depends on whether a brand manages to be not only physically available but also mentally available, thus offering opportunities for the association. For advertisers, the question is: how much can I influence the mental availability of my brand with advertising?

Following a scientific study by the Australian Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, the fundamental study focuses on the KPIs mental reach, association spectrum, mental market share and association strength. Guido Modenbach’s team comes to the following conclusion: a higher mental reach leads to significantly higher purchases and advertising and moves the most among people who do not use a brand or hardly use it at all.

The more associations people make with the brand, the more successful it is. According to “Horizont,” Seven.One Media has set a counterpoint with this study concept to the prevailing fixation on short-term performance KPIs. Details of the advertising impact study can be found in the current article by Jürgen Scharrer at horizont.net.