
The Future of UX in the Era of AI

eye square webinar with Michael Schiessl & Willi Schroll

14. November 2024

On November 14, 2024 at 11:00 am, our eye square CEO & Founder along with Willi Schroll from strategiclabs, will engage in an insightful discussion.

As Artificial Intelligence continues to transform industries, its impact on user experience (UX) and Human Experience Research (HER) is profound. In this engaging conversation between Willi Schroll and Michael Schiessl, we will explore how AI-driven technologies such as Emotion AI, Synthetic Customers, and the transformation of touchpoints are reshaping the way we understand and optimise human interactions with technology.

Why attend?

This webinar will provide you with valuable insights into the intersection of AI and UX, showing how these emerging technologies influence human experience research, and offering actionable strategies for integrating key innovations into your mindset.

Engage with thought leaders in foresight, Willi Schroll, and human experience researcher, Michael Schiessl, as they discuss the implications of AI advancements for user experience designers, researchers, and business leaders who are shaping the future of customer interaction.

Sign up here and save your seat for the webinar!

Find out more about our experts!

Michael Schiessl
CEO & Founder

eye square

Michael Schiessl graduated in psychology, founder and Chief Executive Officer of eye square. He is an expert in the field of implicit market research. His research and publications focus on advertising impact and brand research, user experience and shopper research. He is a regular speaker at conferences and symposia.

Willi Schroll
Foresight Expert


Willi has been professionally active in strategic trend and future research (foresight) since 1995. His analytical expertise on trends and innovations ranges from technology and economics to society and culture. He also likes to draw on a wide range of experience with recognized creativity and innovation methods. He prefers to follow the approach and philosophy of design thinking.