04 Nov Finissage on November 11, 2022 at the Kunsthalle
Invitation to the Finissage on November 11, 2022 | An exhibition with collages by Andreas Galling-Stiehler on the book “Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft”
After celebrating an extremely successful exhibition opening with a large circle of guests on October 14, we would like to invite the friends of eye square and the publishing house aestethik& kommunikation once again. We will do a finissage of the current exhibition in the Kunsthalle.
On November 11 we will start from 19:30!
At 20:00 we will start with the reading.
As at the vernissage, Jürgen Werner Schulz and his sister Angelika Doemlang will read from the book “Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft. Against the lure of unambiguity” and Andreas Galling-Stiehler will say a few words about his exhibited collages.
Afterwards, Elisabeth von Haebler will talk about the ideas and plans of the publishing house edition ästhetik & kommunikation, which was founded this year. This time, the jazz saxophonist and flutist Tilmann Dehnhard will provide the musical framework.
Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to view the collages over a glass of wine, beer or non-alcoholic beverages, to discuss the ambiguous again, and to seek conversation with the artist Andreas, the author Jürgen Schulz and Elisabeth von Haebler.
Those interested can then also buy the collages by Andreas Galling-Stiehler on this evening.
Exhibition finissage, reading & talks
Friday, November 11, starting at 7:30 p.m.
Kunsthalle, eye square
Eingang B, 2. OG links
Schlesische Straße 29-30
10997 Berlin
Tilmann Dehnhard
Jazz saxophonist and jazz flutist
Eye-Tracking Video | Extracts from the exhibition
Andreas Galling-Stiehler has collaged with a precise eye. It is not for nothing that the artist chooses the medium of collage, since it contains the possibility of multi-optionality. The texts of the book, the thoughts and narratives can be collaged with pictures. The book texts, written as a glossary, do not define the chosen terms, but search for a meaning. Collage as a means of choice allows for the ongoing actualization of possibilities and opposes an increasing lure of univocity.
About the Book

« Früher hat es Glossare und Enzyklopädien gebraucht, um Bescheid zu wissen: was, wie, warum. Im permanenten Krisenmodus (Finanzen, Migration, Klima, Pandemie, Krieg) kehrt es sich um. Wer wohlmeinender Propaganda, pseudoreligiösem Gerede und identitärem Kitsch entgehen oder entgegentreten will, braucht Anderes: Nicht-Bescheid-Wissen, Warum-Verlust, Uneindeutigkeit. Zweckfreiheit oder Zweckbefreiung wären noch erwähnenswert. Von A bis Z werden die Begriffe zu missverständlichen Worten und Bildern. Mehr Sicherheit ist nicht zu haben. Aufgeschrieben von Jürgen Werner Schulz und collagiert von Andreas Galling-Stiehler ».
Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft
Gegen die Verlockung der Eindeutigkeit
edition ästhetik & kommunikation
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Author Team
Jürgen Werner Schulz (pictured right) teaches and researches as a professor in the Social and Business Communication program at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and is editor of the journal Ästhetik & Kommunikation.
Andreas Galling-Stiehler (pictured left) is a lecturer for special assignments at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK). He is also an editor of the journal Ästhetik & Kommunikation.