04 Sep Summer School on Eye Movements in Athens

The Eyes Have It!“Orpheus called the eyes, the looking glasses of nature: Hesichius, the doores for the Sunne to enter in by: Alexander the Peripatecian, the windowes of the mind, because that by the eyes we doe cleerely see what is in the same, we pearce into the deepe thoughts thereof, and enter into the privities of his secret chamber.”
(Du Laurens 1596; cited in Wade & Tatler 2005, p. 1)
Research on Eye Movements at the ESSEM Event 2024
The European Summer School on Eye Movements (ESSEM) 2024 will take place from September 9-14 at the University Auditorium of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
The event brings together leading academics to provide comprehensive training on the fundamentals of eye-tracking research in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, psychiatry and marketing. The event’s program provides excellent opportunities to deepen one’s skills in the design and analysis of eye movement studies.
The study of eye movements is of great scientific importance for many reasons. Experimental psychologists and neuroscientists measure eye movements to better understand cognitive processes such as visual attention and its implementation in the brain.
In market research, eye tracking technologies are an effective method for understanding the communication process in product and consumer research which can be used at all touchpoints. Through eye tracking, you learn more about the focus of users and consumers and you can better predict the interest in the digital or real experience.
On September 14, you will have the opportunity to attend a presentation on neuromarketing by our brand and media expert Dr. Giulia Manca and deepen your knowledge on the topic at ESSEM in Athens.
Insights you can gain from Eye Tracking expert Giulia Manca
Discover the fundamental concepts of Neuromarketing and participate in a live Eye-Tracking session, gaining valuable Insights on how to interpret the gathered Data!
The main goal of neuromarketing is to gain insights into people’s emotions through various techniques, providing a clearer understanding of their thoughts on specific topics. This approach can significantly enhance marketing and advertising strategies to elicit optimal consumer responses.
Eye tracking technology enables the analysis of visual attention patterns, revealing what captures an individual’s focus. In market research this method offers a swift and effective means to evaluate audience reactions to marketing communications, allowing for the interception of gaze movements before individuals consciously direct their attention.
Eye tracking data offers significant insights into human cognition, perception, and behavior. It enables researchers and scientists to analyze visual attention, information processing, and decision-making, ultimately contributing to advancements across multiple disciplines.
About the Speaker Dr. Julia Manca

Dr. Giulia Manca
Senior Research Consultant
eye square
Giulia Manca works as a Senior Research Consultant in the Brand and Media Experience Unit at eye square. After completing her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, she earned her Master’s degree at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, where she also wrote her doctoral thesis in Neuroscience. Her dissertation focused on eye movements and how the brain corrects systematic errors in oculomotor function. This scientific foundation has allowed her to gain deeper insights into the workings of human perception and attention, which is especially invaluable in market research.
Giulia is particularly interested in eye-tracking and research methods, especially in the field of quantitative research. Through her work in market research, she is able to interpret complex data from eye-tracking studies and other neuroscientific methods to generate valuable insights for brands and media. She is fascinated by how media experiences can be optimized through a better understanding of attention and perception.
In this context, she emphasizes the importance of measuring implicit responses to capture authentic reactions and help brands and media create more engaging and effective content. Her expertise in market research allows her to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical applications, leading to innovative solutions for challenges in brand communication.