08 Apr DWG Symposium in Berlin
Save-the-Date for our AI Symposium in Berlin
On 04.07.2024, we will be hosting this year’s DWG Symposium in our Kunsthalla.
This year, the 12th Efficiency Day of the DWG-German Advertising Research Association is fully dedicated to digital innovation and transformation.
AI tools have gained in importance in the last few years and are already an established part of everyday life. Although AI often leaves us amazed, it is still irritating or frightening for people in many situations, as it opens new doors and brings with it a new future.
In any case, it is clear that AI will change our perception of brands, market communication and the construction of reality.
But to what extent? And what is the best way for companies to prepare for this change? These and other exciting questions will be discussed and answered at this year’s symposium in Berlin. Join us when the speakers present their ideas on the future use of AI.
Time & Place
9:30 – 18:00
eye square,
Schlesische Straße 29-30,
Eingang B, 2. OG links,
Raum Kunsthalle,
10997 Berlin
Price list
Normal price
DWG – Members
Members AfM & VHB
Scientific MA
Students (special price)
Early bird (until July, 07.2024)
129 €
89 €
99 €
49 €
on request
Regular price (from July, 08.2024)
149 €
109 €
119 €
79 €
on request
Secure your ticket now until 07.06.2024 as the best early bird discount available from 129 euros (note: all prices include 7% VAT).
from 9 am
Doors open – Breakfast reception

09:30-09:45 a.m.
Prof. Dr. H. Dieter Dahlhoff
President of the DWG e.V..
How does market communication get to AI?
09:30-09:45 a.m.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schulz
University of the Arts

Experience of AI

Colleague AI – prodigy and fearful adversary. Results of the latest concept-m study on the professional use of AI
09:45 – 10:15 a.m.
Dirk Ziems
concept m Institut
How people experience AI, a neuro-semiotic (post)-crisis model
10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Dr. Julia Nitschke
eye square, Lead AIX lab

AI in social media journalism
10:45 – 11:00 a.m.
Svenja Lorenz
Social-Media-Redakteurin bei ZEIT ONLINE
11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Coffee break
Creating with AI

Between creation and decision – creativity, AI and copyright
11:30 – 12:00 a.m.
Jan Kuhlen
Lawyer, Member 2018-2020 Artificial Intelligence Study Commission of the German Bundestag
Creative algorithms: How effective is AI-generated marketing communication?
12:00 – 12:30 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Jana Möller-Herm
Junior Professor for Market Communication at the FU Berlin

ChatGPT: “I have no ideas of my own.” – No dispute with AI
12:30 – 01:00 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Fischer
Professor of Idea Economy in Digital Transformation at the University of the Arts and the University of St.Gallen, among others
01:00 – 02:30 p.m.
Lunch break
Program – Afternoon
Integration of AI into empirical human science
The Meaningful AI Lab – How to integrate AI tools into the processes of qualitative in-depth psychological marketing research in a meaningful way
02:30 – 03:00 p.m.
Albert Wegner und Veronica Ebenfeld
concept m Institut

What gives an AI user the right to hope? Preliminary considerations on AI test quality criteria in the field of media perception
03:00 – 03:30 p.m.
Michael Schießl
CEO and founder eye square
Awarding of the DWG Master Award 2024
03:30 – 03:45 p.m.
Laudatio: Prof. Dr. Tobias Heußler
HS RheinMain, Wiesbaden Business School

03:45 – 04:15 p.m.
Coffee break
AI art and transcendence

Digital muse: technology as a source of inspiration and a tool
04:15 – 04:45 p.m.
Roman Lipski
AI artist
Artificial intelligence and wisdom of the heart for truly human communication
04:45 – 05:15 p.m.
Dr. Josef Wieneke
Mathematically interested priest

05:15 – 05:30 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schulz
University of the Arts
from 06:30 p.m.
Eine Bühne für die besten (KI)-Ideen präsentiert in fünf oder zehn Minuten. Der Gewinner erhält 500 Euro!
Moderation: Sally Abdelghafar
Get all information about the AI Symposium in a compact format!
Learn more about the story of the DWG-poster and the art project of Media Artist Dennis Rudolph!

“The creative process made it possible to stage the people completely decentrally in 3D software and set up the lighting without any of the participants actually having to be present. I like the glitches created by the AI because they show the digital process that these portraits have gone through.”
_Dennis Rudolph, Media Artist
This poster was commissioned by CEO Michael Schiessl, who felt that the announcement of the DWG AI Symposium needed an aesthetic that reflected the topic of the conference.
Artist Dennis Rudolph uploaded photos of the speakers to an online AI application, where they were transformed into 3D portraits. The composition of the title poster was created using 3D software.
After consultation with everyone involved and some feedback on corporate identity from the DWG, the portrait of one of the speakers was replaced – he said he didn’t recognize himself. His new AI edition looked much older and sterner, but was also much more like him. It seemed like the AI only enhanced certain features that stood out.