23 Oct planung&analyse Deeper Insights Days in November

Insights with eye square at DID
At the end of October this year, the Deeper Insights Days will commence once again. This webinar series by planung & analyse promises in-depth insights into methodologies and research findings. eye square enhances this year’s series with a contribution on the power of social advertising.
Speaker: Matthias Rothensee
Date: 19th November 2024
Time: 11:00AM CET
Social Media Drives Sales!
This webinar will present three new eye square studies from 2024 that illustrate the significant impact of social media ads on purchasing behavior and the reasons behind it.
The first study confirms that creator ads generate sales across all platforms, highlighting an often-overlooked social platform: Snapchat. The second study reveals the surprisingly lasting effects of social media advertising on sales.
The third study employs smartphone eye tracking to investigate causation, showing that the more attention ads on TikTok and similar platforms receive, the greater the likelihood of subsequent purchases.
The webinar will be held in German.
Interview on the Deeper Insights Days with Matthias Rothensee
Social media advertising is an integral part of marketing strategies. However, while many marketers focus on short-term performance indicators such as clicks and traffic or on brand building, the topic of sales is often neglected. In this pre-interview to the webinar, Matthias Rothensee explains how social media advertising contacts can actually boost sales.
About Matthias Rothensee

Dr. Matthias Rothensee
Chief Scientific Officer & Partner
Dr Matthias Rothensee is responsible for method and innovation development at eye square. His research focuses on the implicit effect of advertising, emotions and visual perception. He is an expert in media research and multivariate statistics and develops eye square’s media benchmarks.
He speaks at conferences (e.g. DMEXCO, Horizont, IIeX) and publishes in specialist journals (e.g. Journal of Consumer Marketing, European Business Review and Social Science Computer Review). In addition to eye square, he teaches advertising psychology and research methods.