Corona Experience Center | Implizite Marktforschung | eye square
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Corona Experience Center

We at eye square see our own mission in helping society and decision makers. Therefore we want to use our insights and knowledge from 20 years of research in Human Experience. We aim to understand how fellow citizens, customers or employees really experience the crisis – be it the threat of the virus, social developments or the policy of containment.


To make this knowledge available to the public, we have created the Corona Experience Center – an open platform designed to help decision-makers and the media in times of crisis. Here, we regularly publish new study results on the perception, reactions and behavior of the population during the Coronavirus crisis. We look at different countries such as Germany, USA, China and India, as well as at different points in time. We would be happy to prepare our results according to your requirements. Please contact us via science@eye-square.com.


Find all press articles on our current studies here:

eye square Studies

Coronavirus in India – Rise and Fall


As the world begins a tentative transition to a “new-normal” India is among those rising from one of the most severe and comprehensive national lockdowns instated at the end of March. After two months, the economy desperately needs to come up for a breath of air and the lockdown is being lifted. At the same time, the country’s first major spike in cases seems to be taking place. How do Indians themselves react to these potentially confusing realities?


Participants in India continue to show a strong emotional reaction to the Coronavirus pandemic, with particularly high responses for “problem” (72%), “India” (72%), and “danger” (71%). In general, however, the intensity of emotional reactions has declined for several attributes since the beginning of the lockdown, including for “danger”, “life-threatening”, “death”, and “anxiety”. Perhaps as a result of the lifting of restrictions, the association with “information” has also declined.


Coronavirus in India – The impact on the Indian psyche


It has been more than a month since many governments around the world put their populations under various forms of “lockdown”. India was one of the countries that set up a nationwide lockdown at the end of March. eye square conducted a study to find out how the second most populated country in the world deals with this situation and how people perceive the Coronavirus.


Overall, participants in India have shown a strong emotional reaction to the Coronavirus pandemic, with particularly high responses to “danger” (79%), “India” (78%), and “problem” (78%). On the other hand, values for “indifferent” (58%) and “exaggerated” (50%) are also high compared to other countries tested (USA and Germany); “trust” (59%), “knowledge” (69%), and “clarity” (65%) are also comparatively high, indicating that while the seriousness of the pandemic has been registered in India, there is also an understanding that a clear solution and path forward exists.

Sunny and shady sides: What COVID-19 unconsciously does to us
[Study by the LINK Institute in collaboration with eye square]


As part of the Corona Insights Study (CIS), the LINK Institut investigated in cooperation with the research partners GapFish and eye square what the corona virus crisis triggers in people’s minds and behaviour on the basis of a sample from the DACH region in week 13/14.


On an implicit level of perception, this pandemic causes fear, stress and loneliness among people and is perceived as a serious threat. Even more – people are afraid of unemployment and an economic crisis due to the coronavirus situation. However, people also feel solidarity. The “we” feeling is strengthened, more consideration is given to each other again. Doctors and nursing staff in particular are perceived as credible and competent in dealing with Corona. In order to make the best out of this situation, the full potential should be used on. The education and information campaigns from Germany and Austria that were investigated do not yet reach the participants well enough yet.


The Pandemic of the Psyche – Corona Study Germany Part 2


eye square’s current implicit study, “More fear than expected,” reveals a “regression” (phase II crisis), a major increase in negative associations with the term “coronavirus.” Four weeks ago we only had moderate results; now, this picture has changed dramatically.


Associations of coronavirus with “crisis” (81% implicit agreement), “risk” (80%) and “global” (80%) have the highest values, which means an increase of between 25% and 30% each. The virus is now a media and mental infection. In addition to the threat to health, there is now a general feeling of uncertainty about the future – economically, socially, politically or personally.

Understanding the emotional reaction to COVID-19: An implicit study on the perception of Coronavirus and the Influenza in the U.S.


The perception of the current coronavirus crisis is not only individual, but also regionally/nationally different and is not subject to a synchronous process. While Germany is already moving towards regression in the process of crisis management, panic still seems to be predominant in the USA.


After the publication of our last study on the fears of Germans, eye square wanted to better understand the emotional landscape in the USA with regard to COVID-19. Our team conducted an online panel study with 300 participants in the United States from March 13 to 16, 2020. The data were collected through a combination of implicit measurement (reaction time measurement with 37 attributes) and explicit questions. The measurements were performed for both “Coronavirus” (also known as COVID-19) and “Influenza”.

An attack on the psyche – how the Coronavirus is perceived and what is missing to cope with the crisis. Implicit study on the perception of the corona virus in Germany.


The Coronavirus is the dominant media topic at the moment. Even if the consequences of the pandemic for the population and the economy are still difficult to assess, everyone is already feeling it. But how much fear does corona cause in each individual? How do the different population groups (gender, age, place of residence, household structure) feel? Which fears do the respondents experience subliminally and which explicitly-rationally?


eye square wanted to know more and conducted an implicit online panel study with 300 participants in Germany on March 6 and 7, 2020. The data was collected through a combination of implicit measurement (reaction time measurement with 33 attributes) and explicit questions. The measurements were performed for both “Corona Virus” and “Influenza”.


eye square proposes a four-part model to outline the inner psychological and greater societal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


  1. Turmoil / Panic (Phase I) – “I must do”
  2. Regression / Comfort (Phase II) – “I can’t do anything”
  3. Mega Strength (Phase III) – “I can do”
  4. Neo-Normality (Phase IV) – “We are allowed to do”

In the press

planung & analyse: Corona
Insights Study

ABC: “Eyewitness News” about
eye squares US Corona Study

planung & analyse: US-Americans
have more fear of the virus

n-tv interview: The psychological
Effects of the Corona crisis

HORIZONT: Corona crisis –
“An attack on the psyche”

planung & analyse: Why the
virus is an attack on the psyche

marktforschung.de: Corona –
about the backgrounds of the fear

MarketingDirecto.com: El coronavirus, un 
bestial mazazo para la psique del consumidor