
Carina Lehne de López

Chief Experience Officer & Partner

Carina Lehne de López has been part of the User Experience unit at eye square since 2007 and has been Unit Lead since 2010.

She holds a Diploma in Sociology with a focus on methods and media sociology.

She is responsible for key accounting, sales, development of user experience research methodology, consulting, and controlling of studies in the field of UX.

She is specialized in qualitative methods, emotion tracking, personas and iterative User Experience consulting during product development.

Carina enriches the teams interdisciplinary knowledge with her intercultural methodological expertise and her many years of experience in UX consulting.


Deutsche Telekom




LG Electronics





12 years of intercultural research

Frequent conference speaker



  • De López, C. (2020): “Der Moment of Truth” Interview 17.09.2020, marktforschung.de
  • De López, C., Metger, F. (2020): “Je intensiver die Beziehung, desto besser das Geschäft – Interview”, marktforschung.de
  • De López, C. (2019): Wettbewerbsvorteile durch optimierte Kundenbereiche. In: Research & Results 7/2019
  • De López, C. (2019): Das Kundenportal optimal gestalten. Ergebnisse aus einer Metastudie zu Anspruch und Wirklichkeit eines digitalen Touchpoints, Planujng & Analyse, Ausgabe 04/2019
  • De López, C. (2016): Interview Patient Websites, Healthcare Marketing, N0. 9 / September 2016
  • De López, C. (2016): „Schlechte Erreichbarkeit – Interview“, Pharma Relations
  • Dr. Rothensee, M. & de López, C. (2016): „Zweimal Gold für den Kunden: Wie Online Marketing und User Experience perfekt zusammenarbeiten“, MARKENARTIKEL
  • Lehne, C. & Langenegger, S. (2015): Doktor Google, Research & Results, Ausgabe 7/2015
  • Dr. Kiefer, J., Lehne, C. & Schiessl, M. (2011): Neueste Trends bei apparativen Verfahren. Gast-Beitrag Media Spektrum, 2011.
  • Dr. Kiefer, J., Lehne, C. (2011): „Implicit & Inevitable – Neuromethoden enthüllen die Customer Experience“, Memex Berlin, 2011
  • Dr. Kiefer, J., Lehne, C., & Schiessl, M. (2011): „360° UX“, Mensch & Computer, Chemnitz 2011

Talks and Panel


  • “UX research for the ultimate digital device – automotive UX research is key!”, Intuitive Vehicles, Berlin 2019
  • „It’s all about culture“, Neuromarketingconference, Antwerp 2016
  • „Kulturspezifisches Nutzerverhalten in Asien und Europa“, 50. Kongress der Deutschen Marktforschung (BVM), Berlin 2015
  • Professional Forum „Design integration: Integrated Design with Customer Experience Focus“, UXPA China, User friendly, Shenzhen 2015
  • Workshop “Revealing the implicit – How to create great UX by measuring your users emotions”, UXPA China, User friendly, Shenzhen 2015
  • “Interkulturelle User Experience”, Research & Results, München 2014
  • “Designing for Health – Neue Technologien im Bereich Rehabilitation”, World Usability Day, Berlin 2013
  • “A product is always in our hearts and minds – A smart phone case study”, eye track UX, Conference on eye tracking as a market research method, Barcelona, 2012
  • “Touch the future – Implementing innovative UX methods at Ifolor.de”, Memex Berlin, 2011
  • “User-centered research methods, user test & personas”, World Usability Day, Berlin 2010



Carina Lehne de López

Telephone +49 30 698144-28

Fax +49 30 698144-10
