26 Sep Book Vernissage on October 14, 2022 at the Kunsthalle
Invitation to the Book Vernissage
“Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft”
To be directed by the unambiguous in life is tempting, but shouldn’t we rather learn, to accept the ambiguous in an era of uncertainty?

To explore this question more closely, we are very happy to invite you to a book vernissage and get-together at eye square Kunsthalle on Friday, October 14, 2022. Jürgen Werner Schulz (UdK) will present a joint book together with his fellow Andreas Galling-Stiehler (UdK)!
Jürgen Werner Schulz has written a book about the ambiguous, and Andreas Galling-Stiehler has made collages about it. Collages are made here with a precise eye and a selective choice of scissors. And it can’t be done without the wealth of imagery of the FAZ! In a collage there can be found multi-optionality. As with images, texts can be collaged as thoughts and narratives.
Always to find more possibilities than one can realize is a principle of existence for both. The texts included in the book do not define the chosen terms, but search for meaning. The collage as a means of choice allows for the ongoing actualization of possibilities and turns against an increasing lure of unambiguity. The result is the
Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft
Gegen die Verlockung der Eindeutigkeit
« Früher hat es Glossare und Enzyklopädien gebraucht, um Bescheid zu wissen: was, wie, warum. Im permanenten Krisenmodus (Finanzen, Migration, Klima, Pandemie, Krieg) kehrt es sich um. Wer wohlmeinender Propaganda, pseudoreligiösem Gerede und identitärem Kitsch entgehen oder entgegentreten will, braucht Anderes: Nicht-Bescheid-Wissen, Warum-Verlust, Uneindeutigkeit. Zweckfreiheit oder Zweckbefreiung wären noch erwähnenswert. Von A bis Z werden die Begriffe zu missverständlichen Worten und Bildern. Mehr Sicherheit ist nicht zu haben. Aufgeschrieben von Jürgen Werner Schulz und collagiert von Andreas Galling-Stiehler ».
Communication is both a curse and a blessing, and not just in these days of Corona, war, or climate crisis. The “Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft” offers itself as a handout in times that seem to have no other alternatives. It is a search for productive meaning, not only in the context of the Corona pandemic. However, organizing the glossary’s choice of terms alphabetically does force one to make choices while reading!
Art and jazz, there’s that too in the evening-we’ve invited the Morton Larsen Trio and there will be an exhibition in the Kunsthalle featuring the collages from the book and more recent works by Andreas Galling-Stiehler.
We look forward to toasting with you to the book by Jürgen Schulz and Andreas Galling-Stiehler, while Morton Lars and his trio provide the right atmosphere. See you on Friday!
Book Vernissage
Friday, Oktober 14, 20.00 CET
Kunsthalle, eye square
Entrance B, 2. floor left
Schlesische Straße 29-30
10997 Berlin
Glossar der Sicherheitsgesellschaft
Gegen die Verlockung der Eindeutigkeit
edition ästhetik & kommunikation
Morten Larsen Trio, UdK
Flo Müller Guitar
Flo Fischer Drums
Morten Larsen Contrabass
Authors Team
Jürgen Werner Schulz (pictured right) teaches and conducts research as a professor in the Social and Business Communication program at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and is editor of the journal Ästhetik & Kommunikation.
Andreas Galling-Stiehler (pictured left) is a lecturer for special assignments at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK). He is also an editor of the journal Ästhetik & Kommunikation.