05 Oct 2019 Best Paper in the category Praxis

“How the machine fools us” wins transfer Best Paper Award
Every year, members of the editorial board of transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement honor the best papers of the past year. In 2019, a total of 4 awards were presented in two categories.
We are very pleased that the paper “How the machine fools us” by Philip Bresinsky (formerly eye square), Hans-Christian Gräfe (TU Berlin) and Michael Schiessl (eye square) was awarded in the category Praxis. We would like to thank transfer for this award!
Abstract: Since the industrial revolution we have been living in the age of machines. Intelligent machines or artificial intelligence are again much discussed, financed and promising after a previous phase of stagnation in its development. Along with digitalization, this has created new expectations among marketing managers and advertisers: The promise of accurately targeted addressing in digital contact and the associated increase in effectiveness through the immediacy of communication. The article describes what the machine (today) can already do, why it fools us and what happens in reality.