
Andreas Thölke

Partner & CTO

Andreas Thölke is CTO and Team Lead for Software Development at eye square.


The R&D Unit at eye square develops software solutions for measuring advertisement impact, customer behaviour and neuromarketing. Andreas Thölke studied psychology, philosophy and music at TU Berlin and at Humboldt University, Berlin.




Millward Brown


Expert in eye tracking and neuromarketing


Developed the eye square Visualizer Implicit System for integrated assessment of eye tracking, attention tracking, skin response measurement and shopping behaviour


Andreas Thölke is particularly concerned with the measurement and optimisation of marketing campaigns via campaign simulation and observational data analysis


Cross-media marketing intelligence


Model supported analysis


  • Schießl, M., Duda, S., Schäfer, S., Thölke, A. (2006). Wohin mit dem Logo? – Das optimale Branding bei TV Werbung. In: planung & analyse, 5/2006.
  • Schießl, M., Duda, S., Thölke, A., Fischer, R. (2003). Eye tracking and its application in usability and media research. In: MMI-interaktiv Journal – Online Zeitschrift zu Fragen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Sonderheft: Blickbewegung. 12.03.03, Ausgabe Nr.
  • Schmidt, S., Thölke, A., Langner, S., Schießl, M. (2015). Communication Research in a Digitized World. The Necessity of an Integrative Visual and Affective Measurement 3.0 Diagnosis. In: planung & analyse. 6/2015



Andreas Thölke

Telephone +49 30 698144-0

Fax +49 30 698144-10
