Michael Schiessl

Michael Schießl

Founder and CEO

Michael Schiessl graduated in psychology, founder and Chief Executive Officer of eye square.


He is an expert in the field of implicit market research. His research and publications focus on advertising impact and brand research, user experience and shopper research. He is a regular speaker at conferences and symposia.

Important latest talk





Leading expert in implicit methods, advertising impact and brand research, user experience and shopper research


Researches and publishes in the fields of advertising impact, online research, shopper research and is a regular speaker at conferences and symposia. He is lecturer at TU Berlin and UDK Berlin


Director of the Berlin regional group of the Berufsverbands Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. (BVM), member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) and of the Deutschen Werbewissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft e.V. (DWG)

Conferences and Lectures

You can frequently hear Michael Schießl as a speaker at numerous conferences, lectures and workshops.


He has precedently particiapted at the following events :


  • Receptivity am mobilen Customer Touchpoint – wie mit impliziter Forschung Omni-Channel-Retailing erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann.
    Mobile in Retail, Berlin
  • Shopper Research 4.0 – The digital transformation of the Customer Journey
  • Neurosemiotik in der Praxis
    Dekra Designhochschule, Berlin
  • Receptivity
    MEMEX 17, Berlin
  • Better understanding of UX by adding implicit
    UXDC, Peking
  • Neurosemiotik
    AutoUniversität Volkswagen, Barcelona
  • World Usability Day
  • In-depth Implicit Research 2015
  • Resarch & Results
  • ESOMAR Dublin 2015, shopper insights
  • DGEVal speyer 2015
  • Tokio dm Day 2015
  • BVM Kongress der Deutschen Marktforschung
  • Wirkstoff TV Expertenforum
  • ESOMAR Insights
  • Effizienztag (DWG)
  • Research & Results
  • Return on Advertising (Bringmann)
  • VDZ Akademie
  • KidOn
  • EyeTrackUX London

current lectures



Michael Schiessl

Telephone +49 30 698144-12

Fax +49 30 698144-10
