22 Dez. Newsletter 12/2016
Yesterday before the attack, this newsletter was planned to be our regular final greetings for 2016. Things are different today.
Nevertheless allow us to keep up with the tradition, and start with sending you:
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joy and Peace.
Since the attack at the Christmas market in our hometown Berlin our hearts are with the 12 people who got killed. We mourn with the dead, feel with their families and friends, and hope that the injured will recover.
As many other Cities like Nizza, Paris, Cairo, which were experiencing an attack, we believe that also Berlin is strong.
While we are facing the brutal reality of crime, this attack will not intimidate us, change our belief in freedom and tolerance, and shall not increase xenophobia or inflame hatred.
„When evil men attack to devour my flesh… my heart is not afraid“
Psalm 27:2-3
In the name of eye square,
Michael Schießl, CEO eye square